Last update: 2010-07-26
Hellen - Fastdraw
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I've created this image starting from a photo. The idea was to do an illustration as quickly as possibile, without wasting too much time on little refinings. This artwork looks like a cover of a mode magazine, it's funny how a stupid image like this can look like "something important" just being on top of a glamour mag...:)
Funny things: the previous version i've made, has eyes and mouth as similar as possible to the photo. After having finished it, i've decided that it was not "personal", so i've redone 'em using my own style. The result: everybody thinks that the first version was better, particularly the first version looked more intriguing, definitly sexier. I personally think that the first version looked like a woman, the second like a man... i must try do create more feminine women, the ones i draw tends to "act" like men!

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